Prevention, Antidiscrimination work, Integration
The network PRADI NRW is intended for gay men* and other men* who have sex with other men* with a migration background.
We will be happy to answer all your questions regarding sexual health, coming-out and discrimination.
We will also be happy to consult and support you with issues concerning your asylum procedure and your integration in Germany.
The consultance is free of charge and anonymous.
The network PRADI NRW is an abbreviation of:
We are happy to consult you about safer-sex, health, testing centers for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.
We stand clearly against any form of discrimination, especially due to der sexual orientation und, gender identity or the origin of people.
We support you if you experience discrimination (, for instance in your asylum accomodation, at your place of employment or among your family.
Integration is part of our everyday work. We are happy to help you, if you are new in Germany and you are unsure which office is responsible for your concern, which rights you have, or when you just need someone to talk to.
Integration also means to get to know other people and learn from each other. This means that you too help us and other men* with similar experiences.